What are the Visa and Passport requirements?admin2023-12-02T14:30:10+00:00
Every African country has its own set of visa and passport requirements. The official embassy website of the respective country will provide you with information as well as the process of application.
Basic visa and passport requirements for entering African countries:
A passport with at least six months validity. The passport should have at least 2 blank pages.
People who travel FROM yellow fever-infected countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya need to provide yellow fever vaccination certificates.
Visas are often mandatory for all travellers with a few exemptions – check with the official embassy.
In some African countries, visitors can get their visas on arrival, either at the airport or the border entry posts. Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, Botswana, Namibia, and Zambia are some African countries that provide visas on arrival. In 2021, Kenya declared that it wouldn’t be issuing visas on arrivals so there are now two advance options, applying online or at the Kenyan embassy. Other countries, for example Tanzania, also have efficient online visa application schemes.